Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Cherries and Brie


• 1 tsp butter or olive oil

• 1/3 cup Croque Cerise cherry spread

• 2 or 3 pieces of brie

• 1 pork tenderloin, trimmed (about 454 g)

• Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C (350 °F).

2. Open the pork tenderloin length wise with a knife, coat the sour cherry spread over the entire length, add the slices of brie on top.

3. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Secure with string, leaving a space on top to allow the cheese to grill.

5. In a pan, sear the pork tenderloin in 5 ml of butter (or oil) for 3 minutes per side.

6. Place in a baking dish.

7. Bake at 180 ° C (350 ° F) for about 30 minutes.

8. Reach 70 ° C (160 ° F) for a pink cooking or 77 ° C (170 ° F) for a well-done cooking.

9. Broil in the oven for 3 to 5 minutes.

10. Remove from the oven, cover with foil and let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

For this recipe you will need:

confit d'oignon au griotte